City Centre

The district is home to 22,200 inhabitants and the workplace for another 11,203.

At the end of the project, the city centre of Alba Iulia will be set on its pathway towards climate neutrality and energy resilience. The heat energy demand will be supplied by 3 renewable heating systems, reducing the energy demand by 70%. 7 electric renewable energy systems will be implemented by 2028. In total, 6 km of bike lanes will be created, and 10,000 m² of streets will be pedestrianised. 

The city will test the following SPs:

  • SP1: open data platform with front-end input capabilities for citizens; district energy management systems; digital monitoring infrastructure; KPI Engine, 
  • SP2: new services and business models approach for energy communities; 
  • SP3: serial refurbishment; building energy management systems; new construction as NZEB; standard PV on roofs, self-consumption and storage in a local and regional grid; 
  • SP4: charging hubs and stations for cars, e-vehicles and freight logistics, new lanes for bikes and cargo bikes; charging stations for electric buses; redesigning public spaces with small street interventions.

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